winky winky grin grin,
keep up the digging up sweetie, it really is amazing to see what we learn after all we have been 'taught'
Im proud of you, keep going!
if you have interlinear or look one up online, go to jude vs 5-7. now almost all bibles, including nwt go something like this....
"i desire to remind you, depsite your knowing all things once for all time, that jehovah, * although he saved a people out of the land of egypt, afterwards destroyed those not showing faith.
and the angles that did not keep their original position but forsook their own proper dwelling place he has reserved with eternal bonds under dense darkness for the judgement of the great day.
winky winky grin grin,
keep up the digging up sweetie, it really is amazing to see what we learn after all we have been 'taught'
Im proud of you, keep going!
so yesterday i end up having a nice evening with old friends who used to be in my congregation years ago.
i always loved this family, and thought we were pretty close.
what was meant to be a 'drop by - say hi' ended up being a 3hr visit!!
Cause they are busy minding yours!
(LOL) ok, now I will go back and actually read what you posted........dang......
"i know it took a long time, but i finally made the truth my own.".
I pooped my britches!
i just had to say it.....
Word has it, the drinks are on YOU!!
revealing the finances and financial position of those at the top.. look every organization makes money and it usually goes to the top.
the brothers and sisters could not ignore the hypocrisy if exactly how much was floating around was revealed.
think about it's like a corporation where only the ceo gets paid.
WTBTS has millions invested in the market, not to mention land holdings and real estate. They can go on a long while on dividends alone.
revealing the finances and financial position of those at the top.. look every organization makes money and it usually goes to the top.
the brothers and sisters could not ignore the hypocrisy if exactly how much was floating around was revealed.
think about it's like a corporation where only the ceo gets paid.
I don't think the tower will be brought down, but that it can be made ineffectual by educating the public, sharing information, acceptance and understanding, patience, tolerance, and by demanding (by voting) that non profits prove they are non profits!
My two cents
i did not think it was possible to grieve for someone you have never met.
but i feel such an overwhelming sadness at the loss of ray.
i did receive kind replies to two emails that i sent him, but i never had the pleasure to meet the man.
Of course we can grieve someone we do not know. For example JFK. How many actually "met" Him, vs how many grieved the loss of Him?
He is still grieved and honored by millions of people. He has a legacy. We never knew Florence Nightengale, but we still honor her and grieve her absence.
Point being that Mr. Franz will be forever honored and respected regardless. Take cheer, and celebrate the life of a leader of morals and rightousness! May his legacy and all of ours resound for the good of mankind!
i was just thinking about a co's closing remarks one sunday after the watchtower study.
he stated that he had heard that ray franz was dead.
he didn't call him by name, of course.
You know what? If there is a god in heaven who loves humanity and eschews hatred, all I can feel is sympathy for ones such as would celebrate death and destruction.
But it is obvious and not debated that JW's in particular worship hatred and destruction of humanity. That is their god. I pity them.
And I mourn the loss of so many people who are trapped in their thinking that society at large loses out their abilities and talents that would be so useful and good if only.
hi everyone,.
many have expressed a desire to show sympathy and concern for cynthia franz somehow and wonder the best way they can do this or how they can help.. if you would like to write a letter or card to her and/or send her a little gift contribution, the following address would be best and safest.. cynthia franz, c/o commentary press, po box 43532, atlanta, ga 30336-0502.. thank you..
So good to hear from you Outa, its been a long time. Thanks for the address, a lovely thought and just what I needed to know.
Take care sweetie!
one idea for a memorial to ray franz:.
donate his two books to the local library.. crisis of conscience.
in search of christian freedom.
What a great idea Cab, and really I think Ray would approve.